Thoughts on US politics

Normally I pay little attention to the internal mechanisms of US politics – I have even less influence over them than my ‘once every five years’ vote to decide which politician represents my area in Parliament. However, recently I have found myself taking a greater interest in politics across the pond, for two reasons. First […]

Fortunate in her enemies

For some time now I’ve had an idea for a book bouncing around in my head and, after a trip to Bolton Library to gather some initial source material, I’ve started putting together the basic structure. The provisional title for the book is ‘Fortunate in her enemies’, based on an oft-repeated quote about Margaret Thatcher. […]

Banning smoking in cars with children

Yesterday evening, during a debate on the Children and Families Bill, a proposed group of amendments from the House of Lords was voted on in the Commons. The amendments were passed with a substantial majority (Ayes 376, Noes 107).  Amongst these was amendment 41, which allows for the provision of ‘a private vehicle to be […]

Importing the archives

Before moving over to Politics Geek, I used to write a political blog on another site called Politics Watch. Although some of the articles now look out of date – my political opinions have changed in the intervening 6+ years – I’ve imported most of them for posterity. As a rough guide, anything up until […]