Well, that was unexpected, though Psychic Paul was slightly more foresightful than in 2015. To recap my predictions were: Conservatives: Double-figure majority: Wrong. Gains in Scotland: Right (net gain of 12). Theresa May remains PM: Right (as of time of writing). Labour: Squeezed in Scotland: Wrong (net gain of 6 seats). Corbyn will fare better […]
General election predictions
Back in 2015 I made some predictions which turned out to be completely off the mark when it came to the general election results. This year I am going to stick my neck out again, but in general terms rather than targeting specific numbers. Conservatives: Double-figure majority but not a landslide. Will make gains in […]
Where are the Mayites?
One thing which has struck me during this general election campaign is the lack of an identifiable set of policies from Theresa May. By this I mean I don’t know what she stands for, other than slogans like ‘strong and stable government’ and ‘no Brexit deal is better than a bad Brexit deal’. Whether you […]
Unadjusted opinion polls
There has been a lot of excitement this week about an unadjusted opinion poll by Ipsos Mori which shows Labour ahead of the Conservatives by 43 points to 40. Given that the Conservatives have been leading the polls since the election was called, with anything up to a 20+ point margin, this has understandably raised […]